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SupAbilities embraces and promotes Abilities in children,
adolescents and adults with Autism.

We utilize data to inform, drive, and adapt services and
treatment plans to meet the needs of individuals and families.

Family Consultant (FC)

Our Family Consultants consist of Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Special Educators.

Our Family Consultants collaborate with families to create an individualized treatment plan to best meet their child’s needs.

Family consultants provide hands-on training and strategies to assist families gain and improve on the needed skills and abilities to help their child with independence.

All of our Family Consultants have a Master’s Degree and at least 7 years of experience in the educational field. 


Intensive Individual Support Services (IISS)

Our professional Intensive Individual Support Services (IISS) technician provide 1 to 1 support with your child to work on the goals and objectives that families have created with their Family Consultant. 

Our IISS technicians use the home and community environments to provide real world learning experiences and opportunities for participants. 

What stands us apart from the rest is our experienced technicians collect data every time they are with your child so that we may adapt to meet the needs of your child for next time. 

Respite Care

Need a night to relax or going out of town, then let one of our professional Respite Care Technicians step in. Our Respite Care Technicians provide 1 to 1 support and help participants with daily living skills and other social activities.

All of our Respite Care technicians have over 100 hours of experience, work in the school systems and our trained by our staff of professionals.

Contact us for more information

Need support or have any questions  feel free to contact us. One of our Highly Qualified staff members will respond back within 24 hours. 

Jason Rosenberg